New findings of the doctoral thesis of PhD students Bui Minh Chuyen
05/07/2012 15:55
Topic: Innovating division of social labours by branch in developing process of major economic region of
Major: Development economics Code: 62 31 01 05
Research student: Bui Minh Chuyen
Instructor: 1. a.Pro. PhD. Trinh Khac Tham
2. PhD. Nguyen Van Thanh
Training facility: Development Strategy Institute
New contributions on learning, argument
Clarifying the basic theoretical issues of innovating division of social labours by branch in the conditions of Vietnam basing on the viewpoint of development, bringing out principles, orientations for innovating division of social labours by branch while globalization is taking place strongly and shifted to knowledge economy, analyzing 10 primary factors that affect innovation division social labours by branch. Proposing 7 targets (including 4 basic and 3 supplemental targets) for evaluating level of social labours division. New findings, proposals inferred from researching, studying results of the dissertation
- Analyzing actual state of division of social labours by branch in MERCV. Pointing out the limitations and reasons of backwardness of the DSL by branch in MERCV and effects of such actual state to the development of MERCV.
- Finding and discovering new problems of division of social labours innovation by branch in MERCV. Proposing to adjust some economic development, social targets in 2020 for MERCV.
- Bringing out orientations for division of social labours innovation by branch and proposing 6 primary solutions, stressing the solution of creating competitive playground for potential investors, in which core factors are developing competitive cluster; training and developing human resources, focusing on the solutions to ensure that human resources are suitable for the requirements of division of social labours innovation by branch in modern direction; building, completing policies to promote, extend inter-provincial, inter-regional cooperation; improving quality of planning works, developing, enhancing effects of labour market. Simultaneously, bringing out solutions to make performance of division of social labours innovation by branch in MERCV effective.
- New findings and proposing of the dissertation contribute scientific and real bases for analyzing, planning policies of division of social labours innovation by branch in developing process of Vietnam, this is the reference for Party, State agencies at the central and regional local in making, supplementing, adjusting targets, orientations, development plans of branches
until 2020 for the major economic region of
Instructor 1 Instructor 2
a.Pro. PhD. Trinh Khac Tham PhD. Nguyen Van Thanh Bui Minh Chuyen
1. Reasons for choosing the topic
Division of social labours (DSL) is a property of developing process, one of important factors that decide national labour productivity (LP), reflect development level of socio-economy in the context of lobalization and conversion to knowledge economy. Modern world economy is not a mere "flat" network anymore, it now has the structure of "global space network". This is a new structural form of modern world economy, which is made on the basis of modern international labour division system.
Major economic region of Central Vietnam (MERCV) has the strategic meaning in socio-economic development of the whole country and firstly the Central region of our country, it has an opened economic position, a great potentiality to develop diversified economy and deeply integrate into international labour division system. However, the economy of this region developed very slowly for years with low labour productivity due to unreasonable division of social labours, slow innovation.
In order to make MERCV develop stronger with higher level, DSL must be innovated. This problem has not been studied satisfactorily, there hasn't been any comprehensive, complete, systematic research on DSL of this region.
After living and working in MERCV, we found out that the problem of innovating DSL is very urgent here.
For above reasons, we chose the topic: "Innovating division of social labours by branch in eveloping process of major economic region of Central Vietnam" for our doctor dissertation.
2. Overview of works relating to the topic
DSL and social labours re-division ứa mentioned by C. Mark in the doctrine on DSL and doctrine on social reproduction under capitalism. With the development of economics, there are some authors mentioning about DSL between branches according to developing stages, considering it as an objective requirement of development.
In Vietnam, there has been some researchs on DSL and labour re-division recently. However, such researchs just suty about general arguments on division of labour; re-division of labour with job settlement in rural areas, with the movement of economic structure in a suburban district or province. There has been no research on DSL innovation by branch in some major economic regions with current conditions. Such published works showed the auhors necessity of systematizing, analyzing, interpreting main problems on argument and reality of DSL innovation by branch in the development of MERCV.
3. Researching purposes
Researching arguments on DSL innovation in Vietnam, establishing standards to eveluate DSL level, applying to evaluate actual state of DSL by branch in MERCV, bringing out solutions to make DSL innovated effectively in MERCV.
4. Researching objects and scope
4.1.Researching objects
Are the arguments and reality on DSL, DSL innovation by branch, relationship between the level of DSL by branch and developing process.
4.2. Researching scope
The dissertation focuses on clarifying arguments on DSL innovation (general labour division and specific labour division). Analyzing actual state of DSL by branch in 2005-2009 stage and its ffects to the process of developing, establishing orientation and proposing solutions for DSL innovation by branch until 2020 in MERCV.
5. Researching method and source of data
5.1. Researching method
The author uses following main researching methods: systematic analysis method, descriptive statistic method, comparison method, extrapolation method, collective analysis method.
5.2. Source of data, materials
Reports of related Party and State agencies, published results performed by domestic and foreign organizations, individuals.
6. Contributions of the Dissertation
Main contributions of the Dissertation are:
- Clarifying the basic theoretical issues of DSL innovation in Vietnam on the viewpoint of development.
- Given the basic principles and proposing 7 targets for evaluating DSL level to apply in
- Analyzing actual state of DSL by branch, Pointing out the limitations and reasons of backwardness of the DSL by branch in MERCV.
- Proposing practicable orientations for innovating and proposing solutions for innovating DSL by branch in MERCV, and solutions to make performance of proposals effective.
7. Structure of the Dissertation
Beside Introduction, Conclusion, List of Works performed by the author, this Dissertation includes 3 chapters:
Chapter 1
1.1.1. Division of social labours: the category of sicio-economy depends on productive force, changes from low to high, simple to complex
In the doctrine on DSL, Marxist economics analyzed 3 times of great DSL that mark the development of human society. In each great DSL time, a new working method is also established basing on the evelopment of productive force (PF) and promoting social labours productivity. The problem is that old DSL must be replaced by a new one.
DSL: is the division of social labours into different branches, regions, stages of producing process, service, socio-economic activities.
Development of technique, technology, the orientation of using machines to replace manual labours led to the shift of labours between three regions: Agriculture, Industry – Construction (IC) and Service which increases social labours productivity, such process takes place together with developing stages, then affects DSL level strongly.
DSL for each MER is the DSL into different branches, regions, stages of producing process, service, sicio-economic activities in MER. DSL for MER is affected by administrative border line, natural conditions, development viewpoint and orientation of localities, therefore, it is necessary to base on the advantage of comparing the whole region to process relationships between localities.
DSL takes place together with continuous developement and progress of PF in the process of industrialization, moderninzation and internation economy integration. When labour density of agriculture decreases, labour density of industry and service will increase, in which labour density of service increases faster than that of industry, knowledge labour density increases faster than manual labour density in total social labours.
1.1.2. Innovating division of social labours by branch is the premise for economy to develop at high level
Definition: Innovating DSL by branch is renewing, improving DSL level by branch in order to achieve higher labour productivity basing on modernity.
World economy is developing with two great trends, which are globalization and conversion to knowledge economy. DSL innovation by branch in our country must follow the direction: Rapidly increasing labour density of non-agricultural area in total social labours, especially the labours working in high technology branches, to export on the basis of exploiting comparison advantages; density of knowledge labours working in main branches, key branches, environment friendliness and protection branches with added value and high labour productivity directed to export increases faster than density of manual and semi-manual labours. DSL is performed with the orientation of deeply participating in international labour division system and global "value series".
Innovating DSL by branch for MER is renewing and improving DSl level by branch of the region in order to achieve higher labour productivity. DSL innovation by branch must be associated with the characteristics of MER and uphold comparison advantages of the region in order to blur "hard" boundary, extend "soft" boundary in developing process of the region by promoting cooperation and association between localities.
Basic principles in performing DSL innovation by branch
- Principle on benefit: DSl innovation by branch must bring more benefits for people and economy, which is presented in satisfying demands of people through increase of social labours productivity, good social security.
- Principle on target: DSL innovation by branch is an continuous action from current level to a higher new one, this is the target of DSL innovation by branch. In order to perform DSL innovation according to brance, it is necessary to make a premise on economy to renew politic, socio-cultural problems. The level of next renewal is higher than that of previous one.
- Principle of orientation: DSL innovation should start from orientations, policies of the Party, State and related ministries, branches. The policies from higher authorities make DSL innovation by branch easier, faster and more effective.
- Principle of effectiveness: DSL innovation by branch is asociated with feature of culture, natural conditions, socio-economy and customs of inhabitants, therefore, inheriting percept must be fully grasped. DSL innovation by branch must exploit the potentiality and advantages of natural, socio-economic conditions, development of science – technology in and outside the country effectively.
Development: is the change of quantity and quality of system from low to high level. For a country, development must include development of economy, politics, society and internation relationship.
DSL innovation by branch is an important factor to the development, it generates a modern labour structure, promotes development of labour forces, increases labour productivity then makes economy grow, develop.
DSL innovation by branch plays a great role in developing process: Because it creates the foundation so that social production can achieve higher social labours productivity; promotes the use of machines, increases social labours productivity; promotes modernizing process; promotes the participation in division of international labour and international economy integration, contribute to market development.
1.1.3. Main factors that affect division of social labours innovation by branch
- Nature and economy is an important factor with decisive effect to DSL level.
- Mentality – custom – society and population is the initial condition for DSL establishment.
- Development level of labour force and the level of goods production, exchange, commerce is the basic condition to make DSL develop.
- Traffic, transportation and development of science – technique and technology is the condition to make DSL develop in modern direction.
- Politic system – national development policies, globalization and internation economy integration is an important fator that orients DSL and promotes deep participation in internation labour division network.
1.2.1. The lag in development of researching region in comparison with the whole country
- Researching region: MERCV was established according to Decision No 148/2004/QD-TTg dated 13/8/2004 of the Prime Minister, including 5 provinces, cities directly uner the Central, which are Thua Thien – Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai and Binh Dinh. Researching DSL innovation by branch in developing process of researching region, we acknowledge that such MERCV is existing according to decision of Prime Minister.
- The lag of researching region in comparison with the whole country: The target is constructing MERCV and making it a dynamic economic developed region with high growing speed, take the lead in some important fields, contribute to improve the effectiveness and competitive power of economy, create the motive power for development of our country. However, the development of MERCV in recent years is still lower than the whole country in economy, politics and society, which strongly affects general development of our country.
1.2.2. Low social labours productivity and living standard of inhabitants require
the change in developing method, division of social labours In order to increase social labours productivity, improve living standard of inhabitants, it is necessary to change developing method, from the direction of wide development (growing by capital and labour) to deep development (knowledge economy) by increasing labour density in the branches of high-technology, directing to export on the basis of exploiting potentiality, advantages and opportunities of globalization effectively.
1.2.3. Satisfying higher and higher requirements and expectation of social demand in developing process
Social demand always changes from low to high, from quantity to quality together with the development of human society. DSL innovation by branch makes labour forces develop, improves labour productivity, then increase the volume of material, service products in order to satisfy higher and higher requirements and expectation of social demand.
1.2.4. The lag of DSL by branch in comparison with the development of science and technology
In the era of knowledge economy, the most important and decisive factor in labour forces is knowledge, human mind. This depends on DSL level, low DSL level will inhibit the development of human, restrict the ability of applying achievements of science and technology.
1.2.5. Globalization and the ability of breaking development on the basis of new international labour division system
Globalization and internation economy integration have become an objective trend that controls socio-economic development of each country and international relationship, it creates big chances for development. In order to deeply participate in international labour division system, the country must have more and more high added value, high value products to export. DSL innovation by branch in the direction of increasing labour density in high-tech branches and exporting will change the structure, value of exporting goods, generate a breaking development.
1.3.1. Labour density of non-agricultural region in total social labours
Is the percentage (%) of labour forces working in non-agricultural area on total social labours. The target is calculated according to following formula:
Tldpnn =---------x 100 (%) (1.3.1)
In which:
Tldpnn: labour density of non-agricultural region (%)
LDpnn : labour force of non-agricultural region
LD: Total social labours
This is an important target reflecting the level of industrialization of economy, the higher labour density in non-agricultural region is, the higher level of industrialization is and vice versa. However, this target does not reflect modernity of DSL level.
1.3.2. Density of labours working in high-tech branches in total social labours
The density of labours working in high-tech branches in total social labours is the percentage (%) of labour force working in high-tech branches on total social labours, which is calculated according to following formula:
Tldcnc = -----------x 100 (%) (1.3.2)
In which:
Tldcnc: density of labours working in high-tech branches (%)
LDcnc : labour force working in high-tech branches
LD: total social labours
This targets directly reflect the modernity of DSL. However, it does not fully reflect the level of industrialization of economy.
1.3.3. Density of labours working in exporting field in total social labours
Density of labours working in exporting field is the percentage (%) of labour force working in exporting filed on total social labours, which is calculated according to following formula:
Tldxk = --------x 100 (%) (1.3.3)
In which:
Tldxk: density of labours working in exporting field (%)
LDxk : labour force working in exporting field
LD: total social labours
This target reflects the participation in internation labour division system, in global "value series", it also indirectly reflects modernity of economy.
1.3.4. Social labours productivity
Social labours productivity is the general effectiveness of DSL in producing process. Labour productivity is calculated according to following formular:
Added value (or GDP)
Social labours productivity = ------------------------------------------ (1.3.4)
Quantity of labuors working
in national economic branches
This collective target reflects DSL level of economy. But it does not specifically reflect the modernity of DSL level and participation in internation labour division system.
Supplemental targets:
1.3.5. Opening level of economy
Opening level of economy is expressed through percentage of export turnover on total domestic products in a period, and is calculated according to following formular:
Dm = -------- x 100 (%) (1.3.5)
In which:
Dm: opening level of economy
XK: export turnover in the period
GDP: Gross domestic products in the period
This target indirectly reflect DSL level. The higher opening level is, the deeper economy participates in internation labour division system.
1.3.6. Shift point of labour from agricultural to non-agricultural region
Shift point of labour from agricultural to non-agricultural region is expressed through percentage of decrease of labour density in agricultural region and increase of labour density in non-agricultural region in next year in comparison with previous year. This reflects the progress in DSL level of economy. It is calculated according to following formula:
D = Tldpnns - Tldpnnt (percentage) (1.3.6)
In which:
D: labour shift point (percentage).
Tldpnns: labour density of (non-)agricultural region in next year
Tldpnnt: labour density of (non-)agricultural region in previous year.
This target does not specifically reflect the subsectors of non-agricultural region where labour are shifted from agricultural region to (branch of high or low labour productivity, main, key branch or export products manufacturing branch).
1.3.7. Unemployment rate
Is the target expressing rate of comparing unemployers to labour force (total economic active population) in the period and calculated according to following formula:
Number of unemployed
Unemployment rate (%) = 100 x ----------------------------------------------- (1.3.7)
Economic active population (LF)
Unemployment rate reflets the full employment in social labours of the economy. The target also indirectly reflect DSl level.
Chapter 2
2.1.1. Potentiality advantages and conditions of DSL innovation by branch in MERCV
MERCV has the toal area of about 27,879 km2, population in 2009 is 6,108,600 people with a series of developing cities spreaded across 600km seashore, airtight deep bays and large economic areas such as: Chan may, Chu Lai, Dung Quat, Quy Nhon. MERCV has a strategic location for the whole country,
The region has many potentialities, advantages and conditions to innovate DSL by branch in a modern direction. About potentiality, advantages: opened economic location; many beatiful seaside resorts, world cultural heritages, diversified natural resources with specific character (ocean, forests); continental shelves which are potential for gas oil, airtight deep bays; economic areas. About conditions: The trend of international economy integration is becoming wider and deeper; lying in the most dynamically developing region in the world, developed commerce, high demand for transportation and logistics service; cared by the Central; the demand for human resources of nations in EU,
2.1.2. Basic factors affecting DSL innovation by branch in MERCV
- Natural conditions: MERCV has a strategic location, long seashore, many airtight deep bays, beautiful seaside resorts, great stock of sea products, beauty spots and almost types of minerals in comparison with the whole country, especially in gas oil.
- Economic factor: GDP growing speed (actual price) is high, average in 2005-2009 is over 11%/year; industry – construction, services increase with average level of 18.69% and 13.57% respectively but unstable; underdeveloped economic structure, shifting to modern direction slowly. Economic structure in 2005: Agriculture 25.1%, Industry 36.4%, Services 38.5%, 2009: 20.5%, 38.7%, 40.9%. Income per capita is low, in 2009, it is equal to 86.67% of the whole country. Economic density is very low.
- Factor of population – labour – culture - society
In 2009, total population of MERCV is 6,108,600 people occupying 7.1% population of the whole country. Population distribution is concentrated in rural areas, accounting 66.87%. Labour force of MERCV in 2009 is 3,430,146 labours, accounting 56.12% population, underdeveloped labour structure, labour density of agricultural area is still high, 31.8%. Labour quality is low, the rate of trained labours is only 29%, social labours productivity is low, about 30.7 million VND/person in 2009. Economic mentality is slowly innovated, especially the economic mentality in technology. In general, social development level of MERCV is lower than other regions of our country.
- Development orientation, policies for the region and localities
DSL is affected by guidelines, policies of Party and State, especially the Decisions of Prime Minister, ministries, branches, and localities in the region. These decisions will give the direction for developing economic branches, fields of MERCV.
- Inter-regional nature and international economy integration
Inter-regional nature helps to uphold comparison advantages of each locality and the whole region. It is expressed by: cooperation in developing economy, cooperation in forming infrastructure network, cooperation in training human resources and cooperation in environmental protection. International economy integration nature and level are mainly expressed through international commercial activities and FDI capital attraction. Export turnover of the region is low, in 2009, it is about 1.360 million USD; the registered amount of FDI capital for the region is high, however, implementary FDI is low, only about 1 billion USD (7% registered capital).
2.2.1. Actual state of DSL by branch in MERCV
Stage 2005 – 2009. The labours working in agricultural branches decreased in quantity and density. Labours in industry-construction, service branches increased regularly, labour density of non-agricultural area increased from 54% in 2005 to 68.2% in 2009, average 3.5% for each year, a modern labour structure was establish. The labours of industry-construction branches increased fast in both quantity and density, 404,347 labours from 2005 to 2009, average 80,869 labours for each year, labour density increasing speed in the stage was 2.5%; labours of service branch also increased regularly after years, but slow than industry-construction, average 44,614 labours/years.
- In agricultural branch block: Labour shifting from agriculture to forestry and marine product was very slow, in 2005, labour densities of agricultural, forestry and marine product were respectively 79.9%, 4.31%, 15.7%, The region had great potentiality to develop sea economy, including marine product, but labour density of such branch occupied only 15.7% total labours of branch block.
- In industry-construction branch block: The quantity of labours working in industry-construction branch increased regularly after years, there were 748,180 labours in 2005, increased to 1,152,529 labours in 2009, average 11.5%/year. However, the labours were mainly distributed to processing industry and construction, labour density of these 2 branches occupied 94.43% total labours of branch block, while labour productivity of such branches was low. The branches that had high labour productivity such as mining, producing and distributing gas power had small labour density, occupied only 5.57% total labours of the branch. Labour shift point in stage 2005 – 2009 of both 2 branches decreased 0.14% and 0.03%.
- Service branch stock: Service attracted many labours after years. In 2009, the number of labours working in main service branches was 610,884 labours. However, labours were not divided reasonably, they were concentrated in branches of low labour productivity such as: trading, repairing motor vehicles, motorbikes and personal items, occupied 53.7% (328,615 labours). Science-technology, Financial-banking branches had not developed, labour density was low, 4.4% (27,253 labours) for both branches. Labour density of branches which could create many works and attract labours decreased, for example, labour densities of transportation and communication, assets trading and consultancy were 21.2% and 2.3% in 2005, then decreased to 19.9% and 1.6% in 2009.
- Policies, methods of organizing DSL in MERCV: There have been many important documents orienting socio-economic development and contributing to performance of DSL in modern direction for the region in the period of industrialization, modernization until 2020. However, these policies still have many shortcomings, such as: potential, advantages upholding was not mentioned reasonably; There were no active methods to encourage the development of high-tech, high intelligence and labour productivity branches; The targets just mention jobs settlement, they did not focus on improving labour productivity; Not many specific policies for the region were made, especially the policies on organizing performance of DSL in the whole region such as: associating areas, developing labour market, training human resources...
2.2.2. Evaluating the level of DSL by branch in MERCV
The level of DSL by branch in MERCV was very low. This affected the process of socio-economic development, international economy integration.
- Labour density in non-agricultural area was still low, occupied only 68.2% total social labours. Labours of this area was distributed mainly to processing industry and construction, of which added value and labour productivity are low.
- Labour productivity of the region was very low, lower than general level of the whole country, only 30.7 million VND/person, due to unreasonable division of labour, 80% labours of non-agricultural area work in low labour productivity branches.
- Opening level of the economy was very low, 22.8%, much lower than general level of the whole country (58.37%). Such low opening level showed that labour density in export area of high added value was small. DSL by branch of the region did not participate deeply in international labour division system, the economy was not modern.
- Unemployment rate increased slowly, only 0.09% in stage of 2005 – 2009, unemployment rate was 5.12%. This reflected that full employment of labours in the region is still low, DSL by branch was not performed reasonably, it could not attract all people of suitable age to join labour force.
- Labour shifting point from agricultural area to non-agricultural area in relatively high, average 3.5%, however, labours were mainly shifted to intensive employment branches with low labour productivity.
There are many shortcomings in DSL by branch: DSL by branch developed primarily to the width, it did not exploit advantages, potentialities to improve competitive power, DSl by branch was not associated with moving economic structure to the direction of industrialization, modernization, was not based on inter-provincial, inter-regional cooperations nor participated in internation labour division system.
The main reasons for low level of DSL by branch are: (1) There were no premises in MERCV to attract potential investors. This is the most decisive and general reason that makes the level of DSL by branch in MERCV underdeveloped and unreasonable. (2) Restricted market, poor infrastructure. (3) There were no favourable mechanisms, policies for investors and (4) The lack of policies to support innovation of DSL by branch in MERCV.
2.2.3. Effects of actual state of DSL by branch to developing process
Level of DSL by branch in MERCV recently affected developing process of the region in economy, society and environment.
In economy: Economic growth was low, growing speed was unstable, slow, effectiveness of investment capital use was low, but social investment capital for the whole volume of generated GDP was high, growth primarily depended on materials producing branches, labour productivity was low; growth model based on processing, capital, growth to the width, economic structure moved slowly, economic density of MERCV was still poor.
In social development: Income per capita of the region was very low, even much lower than average level of the whole country; poverty rate of MERCV was too high; unequal distribution of income was likely to grow, the level of unequal growth is higher than average level of the whole country.
In environment: DSL into industrial branches of average technological level and the industrial branches that might cause environmental pollution such as mining, chemical industry, cement manufacturing industry, paper and pulp industry, textile industry..., the situation of environmental pollution in industrial zones became more and more serious.
Chapter 3
3.1.1. Requirements from actual state of DSL by branch and general orientation for developing the region
- Problems from actual state of DSL by branch: Level of DSL by branch in MERCV is still underdeveloped. Labour density in non-agricultural area is small, knowledge labour density of branches of high technology, high added value and productivity directing to export is still low. There are too few labours working in export area, aperture of economy is low; unemployment rate is high, labours are not fully employed.
- Problems from general orientation for developing the region: Developing socio-economy fast and ffectively; positively, effectively integrating into world economy; leading in industrializing, modernization, taking the leading role in North-Central and Central Coast region; developing closely and harmoniously in economy, society and environment.
Table 3.1: Primary targets until 2020 of MERCV
No | Targets | Units | Goals | |
2020* | 2020 | |||
1 | Annual average growing speed of GDP (2011-2020) | % | 10 | 12.5 |
2 | Average growing speed of GDP in Industry and Service (2011 - 2020) | % | 14 | |
3 | GDP per capita (at current prices) | m.VND | 36 | |
4 | Contribution rate in GDP of the whole country | % | 6.5 | 6.5 |
5 | Export value per capita | USD | 2,530 | 2,600 |
6 | Contribution rate in state budget | % | 7 | 7 |
7 | Annual average technology innovating speed (2011-2020) | % | 20 | 25 |
Source: Decision No 148/2004/QD-TTg in 2020* and proposal of author in 2020
3.1.2. Problems from orienting branch develoment plan
- Industry-Construction branch: Shifting structure of industrial branch to the direction of establishing main industrial branches: Filtering industry, petrochemical industry; electronic – computing; etallurgical; mechanical, processing industry of high added value... with modern technology level, high productivity and quality to ensure competitive power of the products... Developing subsidiary industries to improve national value in competitive products in the region.
- Service and Tourism: Developing Higher and postgraduate education service, Science – technology service to create the foundation for other service branches such as: information technology, postal telecommunications, financial – banking... to develop. Constructing service branch and make it a real key economic branch of the region. Developing sea transportation, logistics service in modern direction. Promoting the role of commercial and international trading centre of Da Nang, Hue, Quy Nhon so that they can undertake the function of commercial service for the whole Central – Tay Nguyen region, forming the gateway for developing economy of East – West economic corridor.
- Agriculture, forestry, marine product: Continue promoting the conversion of structure of agriculture, forestry and marine product in the direction of enhancing natural calamity preventing ability, developing agriculture steadily, developing agriculture in combination with garden and hill forestry to create scenery, environment for tourism. Promoting development of marine product industry in order to use the advantages of sea.
3.1.3. Requirements from developing and improving operating effects of labour market
Labour market of MERCV develops inharmoniously with the economy which affects growth and competitive power of the region. Labour structure shift and jobs extension are still at low quality, they do not focus on works of high productivity and effects, the supply and demand of labour are not associated. Labour shifting inside and outside the region is unstable, labours in economic areas are imbalance, labours of non-state areas occupy high density, however, most of them work at individual household, dispersed, informal small productions with underdeveloped level of technology, method, low labour productivity.
3.1.4. Requirements from regional association and internation cooperation
Association in constructing connective traffic infrastructure, training human resources, attracting foreign investment... is an important factor for shifting economic structure with modern direction, simultaneously, improving competitive power inside and outside the country. International cooperation requires the region to produce many products with high export value, satisfy the demands of world market, then deeply participate in international labour division system.
3.1.5. Requirements on environment protection
MERCV develops unsteadily, it has not solved the relationship between economic growth and natural resources, environment protection. Uncontrolled exploitation and waste of natural resources, environmental regression are now taking place regularly. Industrial branches that are friendly to and protect the environment have not developed, producing technology in many enterprises is still underdeveloped, spends many natural resources, power and discharge much waste. Sea resources are exploited ineffectively, unsteadily, this causes many consequences to the environment. Land resource is likely to be seriously degradation due to overexploitation and natural impacts.
3.1.6. Requirements on dealing with climate change
MERCV with over 600km seashore is region that seriously affected by extreme phenomena due to climate change. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop the branches which use little fuel of fossil origin such as petroleum, coal (these fuels eliminate little gas that can cause green house effect), branches that are friendly to the environment and agricultural – forestry branches that use organic fertilizer to avoid eliminating too much methane.
3.2.1. Principle of DSL innovation by branch
- The target of fast, stable growth in market economy condition and development pf international economy integration must be achieved.
- Upholding potentiality, advantages of the region, putting it into socio-economy developing strategy/plan of the whole country.
- Innovating DSL by branch, combining with shifting economic structure in a modern direction: service – industry – agriculture.
- Developing "breaking" branches which have wide effects to other economic branches. This principle controls the process of defining contents and orienting the performance of DSL innovation by branch in MERCV.
- Participating in international labour division system and global "value series".
3.2.2. Orienting DSL innovation by branch in MERCV
As predicted, the scale of labours in MERCV in 2020 will be about 4,155,300 labours. DSL by branch is innovated in modern direction on the basis of exploiting and effectively using potentiality and advantages of the region, taking advantages of the opportunities, improving restrictions, challenges of generated environment to make MERCV develop rapidly, stably. Specifically:
- Increasing labour density in non-agriculture area on the basis of developing industry and service in order to attract more labours into these two branches. The region has 4/13 economic regions of the whole country and many industrial zones with favourable policies of the Government, especially in attracting investment, this creates good conditions for developing industry, service, including tourism and logistics service. Development of service not only helps to exploit advantages, use opportunities but also creates many jobs and promotes the innovation of DSL by branch.
- Innovating DSL by branch in MERCV, in which the number of labours of service increases faster than that of industry relatively and absolutely. Development of service is not only suitable for developing trend of the world but it also helps to exploit comparison advantages of PERCV on geographical location, tourism resources, seaports while commerce is developing and the demands for transportation, tourism is becoming higher and higher.
- Innovating DSL by branch in MERCV in the direction of increasing labour density in high-tech area, export area among total social labours. Labour density in high-tech and export area reflects modernity of economy.
- In industry, it is necessary to increase labour density of primary, key branches of high added value and national value. This is decisive factor for long-term economic growth of the region in order to improve competitive power inside and outside the country.
- Innovating DSL in the direction of effectively dealing with climate changes. Therefore, labours of underdeveloped branches, steel, cement manufacturing and dyeing industry must be decreased, simultaneously, labour density of high-tech, clean branches must be increased rapidly.
Table 3.2: General orientation for DSL by branch in MERCV until 2020
Branch | 2009 | 2020 | ||
Quantity ( | Density (%) | Quantity ( | Density (%) | |
Area | ||||
1. Agriculture | 1,090,786 | 31.8 | 747,900 | 18 |
2. Non-agriculture | 2,239,359 | 68.2 | 3,407,400 | 82 |
In which: | ||||
- Industry | 1,152,529 | 33.6 | 1,537,400 | 37 |
- Service | 1,186,830 | 34.6 | 1,870,000 | 45 |
Total (1 + 2) | 3,430,146 | 100 | 4,155,300 | 100 |
Source: Table 2.8 and orientation of the author
Industry: Increasing labour density in primary industrial branches that use high technology such as: petrochemical filtering, electronics – computing, mechanic, metallurgy, export products processing industry, increasing labour density of these branches to about 26% - 32.5% total labours of industry. Developing exporting industrial branches, labour full employment branches with advantages in materials, little market displacement to stablize labours such as: marine products processing for export, processing luxury wooden furniture..., labour density of these branches occupies from 35-40% total labours of industry.
Service: Increasing labour density of key service branches, prioritizing development of tourism, sea transportation, logistics service, labour density of these branches occupies 10-12% total labours of service, this is an important direction to promote the participation in internation labour division system. Improving labour density of financial – banking branches, higher education and postgraduate education, Science – technoligy service, insurance, telecommunications, information technology – communication, ensuring that labour density of these branches occupies 3540% total labours of service.
Agriculture: Developing agricultural services, traditional and potential branches in order to rapidly shift the purely agricultural labours to these branches, developing aquatic product economy, settling jobs for agricultural labours. This is a basic and decisive factor for innovating DSL in agriculture in MERCV. Until 2020, the labours of aquatic product branch must occupy about 25-30% total labours of agriculture.
3.2.3. Forecasting primary targets for MERCV in 2020
Basic and thorough target of DSL innovation by branch in MERCV is to develop socio-economy fast and stably. If the orientations for DSL innovation by branch in MERCV proposed by the author are successfully performed, MERCV will achieve the results stated in Table 3.6 in 2020.
Table 3.6: Some collective targets on development of the region in 2020
No | Target | Unit | 2009 | 2020 | Comparing (times) 2020 to 2009 |
1 | GDP/person (at current prices) | m. VND | 16.6 | 36.0 | 2.17 |
2 | GDP growing speed | % | 19 | 20.5 | 1.08 |
3 | Labour density of non-agricultural area | % | 68.2 | 82.0 | 1.20 |
4 | Unemployment rate | % | 5.12 | 4.0 | 0.78 |
5 | Opening level of economy (Export/GDP) | % | 22.8 | 60.0 | 2.63 |
6 | Social labours productivity (at current prices) | m.VND/per | 30.7 | 120.0 | 3.91 |
Source: Forecast of the author according to proposed orientation for division of labours
3.3.1. Creating competitive playground for potential investors
Potential investors play an important role in performing orientations of DSL innovation by branch in MERCV. MERCV has great potentiality, advantages to develop tourism and sea economy, especially logistics service. Therefore, the development of tourism cluster and logistics cluster will help to create a competitive playground for investors.
- Developing tourism cluster: Objects of tourism cluster in MERCV from now to 2020 are: Hue – Da Nang – Quang Nam where there are many world cultural heritages with unique cultural characteristics, moreover, sea space and eco-tourism is developing strongly in these areas. Sollutions for developing tourism cluster: Creating binding and association with key components in tourism cluster; associating key and supplemental components to improve product quality and value for customers. Establishing connection to important economic foundation such as infrastructure, residential community and environmental resources for a stable development. Policies for developing tourism cluster focus on 4 following groups: Improving product quality; Supplementing new products; Penetrating new market segments; Extending distribution scope and participating in new distribution channels.
- Developing logistics cluster: logistics is a collective line activity. Effects of this process is a very important and decisive factor to competitive power of industry and commerce in MERCV. The strong development of logistics will help to reduce costs, improve service product quality. Now, logistics is acknowledged as a useful tool that brings success for enterprises of both production and service areas in the region: Areas and objects of logistiscs cluster include 5 provinces and cities in MERCV; The structure of logistics cluster is cross-connection between factors, input services provider for seaports, customer relationship and other informal relationships; Policies supporting competitive logistics cluster: Effectively investing in logistics cluster; Enhancing network connections and building bridges; Developing human resources for logistics cluster.
3.3.2. Training and developing human resources to satisfy the requirement for DSl innovation in modern direction
- Ensuring that human resources satisfy the requirement for DSL innovation by branch: It is necessary to combine human power strategy with branch development strategy/plan. Basing on input information from development strategy of construction and human resources with specific targets, methods and activities; Planning occupational education network to meet the demand for quantity and quality of human resources of the branches. The key factor is balancing training occupations and distributing schools suitably according to branches, localities. Extending and improving quality of current occupation training facilities, establishing more vocational schools, in which ther must be at least 3 vocational colleges of international standards. Establishing inter-regional and international cooperation in training human resources, extending forms of associated training, focusing on training labours for weak branches, such as logistics, metallurgy, aquatic product processing industry, petrochemical filtering.
- Developing human resources: Improving quality of human resources, promoting investment in training and vocational education are very important factors. Building policies to train and attract talented people in every field and branch which are suitable for orientation of DSL innovation by branch, developing the staff of scientists, experts and make it key force in researching and transferring technologies, promoting intensive investment, modernizing science, technology and high-tech application researching facilities. In order to develope human resources, it is necessary to build and implement following policies: Specifying the important role and task of the region in human resources training, checking, adjusting structure of training occupations, determining the labours who need to be prioritized for training. Building policies to diversify training forms and methods. Policies for encouraging high-quality human resources training, attracting high-quality human resources coming from outside.
3.3.3. building, completing policies to promote DSL innovation by branch
Policies for attracting and forming investment capital: Improving mechanism, policies to diversify domestic and foreign investment capital. However, attracting process must be filtered in branch, invested field and applicable technology, focusing on growth branches. Performing priority mechanism, policies issued and applied for economic region, opened economic region, industry zones; Building special policies to attract foreign investment in tourism, logistics service, science and technology. Building mechanism, policies to attract ODA capital for rural development, vocational education for rural, agricultural and non-agricultural labours according to the orientation of DSL innovation within agricultural branch.
Building policies to develop science and technology: Building policies of transferring new technologies form other countries, improving competitive power, this is an important direction to improve actual state of technology and increase labour productivity. Building policies on researching activities and deploying in the region, developing science and technology market, services on intellectual property, consultancy, performing technology trading services, assessing, evaluating, transferring technology in the region; encouraging development of "industrial nursery" zones, "industrial foster" zones to innovate technology, this is a practical form which gives high effect in the process of researching and applying new technologies. Building policies to encourage researchs and deployment of high science-technological applications, these policies play an important role in developing primary, key branches of the region.
3.3.4. Extending inter-provincial, inter-regional cooperation to promote DSL by branch
Extending inter-provincial, inter-regional cooperation to solve problems of region scale which separate locality can not deal with, such as: constructing inter-provincial infrastructure; associating in investment attraction; associating in developing industrial zones, tourism service, logistics service, constructing training centres of international standards. Building mechanism to cooperate, exchange information between ministries, branches, central and localities of the region to agree action programs, investment plans. Extending bilateral and multilateral international cooperating activities in every field; cooperating to organize foreign investment promoting activities, extending intensive international cooperation, seeking investment partners, especially large economic group in US, Japan, Europe...
3.3.5. Improving quality of planning works to promote innovation of DSL by branch
Innovating contents and methods of planning. Beside the orientation of growth and economic structure shift, it is necessary to determine the demand for human power to perform plans (quantity, qualifications, skills) in each period. Mobilizing domestic and foreign experts, scientists to participate in planning, collecting opinions of inhabitants who are affected by plans. Enhancing association between plans, branch plans must deal with general interdisciplinary, inter-regional problems, plans must be built synchronously. Improving quality of assessment, approval and state management on planning. Improving quality of planning staffs from Central to localities, consolidating information system to serve planning works, these are important factors that help to enhance the quality of planning works.
3.3.6. Developing and promoting operating effect of labour market
MERCV is facing the challenge of shifting labour structure, from intensively using (using unskilled, low-skilled labours) to using qualified, skillful labours. Developing and promoting operating effect of labour market will help to develope information of labour market, ensure an effective shift and association between supply and demand for labours, develop job service, vocational guidance, support weak groups, improve negotiating and labour market administrating capacity... Therefore, it is necessary for the region to deal with following problems: Removing administrative barrier; Developing infrastructure of labour market; Improving quality of labour supply and Developing economy in poor areas.
3.3.7. Solutions for proposal performance guarantee
- In order to create legal bases for corresponding agencies of the Government to build strategy, plan and regional development programs, the National Assembly needs to discuss, build and issue legal frame for major economic region, including MERCV.
- The Government: Establishing an office to manage and monitor the development of MERCV under the Government, issuing specific policies for the development of MERCV. These policies must be applied for the whole region to avoid breaking, inconsistency... that may cause waste or inefficiency.
- Local authorities and enterprises in the region: Need accurate aware of the importance of DSL innovation by branch to the development of the region, building Decisions to instruct performance, making priority policies on budget to innovate DSL by branch in localities according to general orientation of the whole region. For existing enterprises, it is necessary to be active in innovating technologies, especially the resource technology, focus on investing to produce high added value products for export. Being active in improving qualifications of labour force in order to enhance the ability of approaching and operating advanced technologies, information technological applications and promoting effects of management. It is necessary to direct potential enterprises in investing in occupations which are suitable for orientation of DSL innovation by branch, building satisfactory priority policies for such enterprises.
- Ministries, sectors: ministries, sectors are responsible for supporting the performance of DSL innovation by branch in the region according to their functions. Fullness and quality of branch development plan plays an important role in DSL innovation by branch in MERCV. Plans must be detailed, specific for each medium-erm, long-term period. Beside targets, budget, responsible agencies... it is necessary to determine the demand for human power to ensure the performance of plan, this factor is missed in most of current plans.
Globalization and international economy integration are creating great opprtunities for poor and developing countries, including Vietnam, to approach the market, attract capital sources, science-technological applications and modern managing capacity from developed countries, integrate into international economy. However, in order to use such opprtunities, each country, territory must create good conditions for accepting. DSL innovation by branch is necessary in current situation of Vietnam because it promotes the development of productive force, improves social labours productivity, living standard of people, uses achievements of domestic and international science – technology, it is also suitable for the orientation of globalization which is becoming wider and deeper, new international labour division system and the ability of breaking through in "global production network", this can help Vietnam to widely and deeply integrate into world economy and participate in International labour division network.
MERCV has an important position, role in socio-economic development of the whole country. The region has many potentialities, advantages, such as: opened economic location, many beauty spots, world cultural heritages; long seashore, airtight deep bays, beautiful seaside resorts, economic regions, industrial zones... Moreover, the Party and the State pay much attention to investment of the region, this allows performing DSL innovation by branch. However, actual state of DSL by branch in MERCV is not corresponding to its potentiality and advantages. DSL level is still low, labour density of low productivity branches is high, labour densities of high-tech branches, export branches of high added value and labour productivity are low, this obstruct the development, participation in international labour division network of the region.
The level of DSL innovation by branch of MERCV is not reasonable, leading to consequences on both socio-economy and environment. On Economy: old economic structure, low growth model, poor economic density... On Society: low income per capita, high poverty, unemployment rate, increasing inequality. On environment, unreasonable DSL by branch makes environmental problems more serious in nature, scale and level, restricting the adaptability to climate changes and sea level rises. It is very important to find and discover problems to DSL innovation by branch in MERCV and bring out instructive principles to innovate DSL by branch in MERCV effectively. On the basis of analyzing and evaluating potentialities, advantages and conditions to innovate DSL by branch in MERCV, the dissertation has built orientations and proposed practical solutions for DSL innovation by branch, specifically: creating competitive playground for potential investors; Training and developing human resources to satisfy the demand for DSL innovation in modern direction, in which solutions to ensure that human resources are suitable for requirements of DSL innovation by branch, training and developing high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of high-tech branches with reasonable structure are focused; Building, completing the policy of promoting DSL innovation by branch; Extending inter-provincial, inter-regional cooperation to promote DSL innovation by branch; Improving the quality of planning works to promote DSL innovation by branch and developing, enhancing operating effects of labour market. The solution of creating competitive background for potential investors is new and important to perform DSL innovation by branch in MERCV. Beside proposals, the dissertation has brought out solutions to guarantee performance of stated proposals. If the solutions in this dissertation are used, they must be organized to operate synchronously in order to give high effects.